Wondering How to Structure and Handle Sales Compensation?
Customized Sales Compensation Plans for any Organization that Wants to Grow
In managing sales teams for over 30 years, I have learned that one of the most important and critical tools for sustained growth is effective sales compensation. I often refer to it as the fuel for the Sales Engine.
I review not only your current compensation structure, performance and personnel performance, but provide benchmarking for your industry and geography to deliver a plan that works to:
- Attract and retain the talent needed to grow sales.
- Plans that do that as well as keep finance happy.
- Plans that drive the specific behavior needed to achieve the corporate mission.
I have found that regardless of what you sell, the core issues are the same. I have successfully built plans for half-million-dollar semiconductor systems to tractor attachments. My plans work and are the smallest investment you can make in your sales organization with the greatest ROI.
Call or email me now for a Free One-Hour Compensation Reality CheckTM.