Effective Branding Can Drive Your Sales Growth (Marketing Series-Part 1 of 4)
Introduction by Don McMahan-FlyCloud Consulting, (Outsourced VP of Sales) This week kicks off our four-part marketing series with an intro to branding blog by my longtime marketing partner and guru, Robert Friedman of FearLess Branding. Robert does more than just help you develop a winning and cool brand strategy, as I do […]
New Sales Agility Tool To Assess Your Company Sales Mojo
For a quick assessment of your company’s sales readiness, check out our new Sales Agility Assessment. Take the short assessment or email me for the full 40 question deeper dive into all the components of your sales process. At FlyCloud consulting I use the proven Sales Xceleration platform to grow and manage sales in any […]
Tying It All Together-Manage Your Sales Compensation, Manage Your Success-Part V and the Final Chapter of Sales Compensation…
We have talked about the key components of successful sales compensation plans that include: Timing and frequency of changing compensation plans Aligning comp plans with the top and bottom lines of the business. Strategic and tactical goals Rewarding the behavior you need to run the business More complex products generally require richer compensation programs Paying […]
Is Your Sales Compensation Competitive?-Part IV of a V Part Series on Compensation
It should come as no surprise to you that sales compensation varies widely by both geography and industry. The general rule is the more complex, and the more expensive the product, the more you must pay people to sell it. The same may be true even if your product is not so complex, but hard […]
Managing Sales Growth with the Right Compensation Plan-Part III of a V Part Series on Compensation
Do you pay commissions on revenue or margin, or a bit of both? It depends. Many channel companies that live on razor thin margins, by necessity use margin (or gross profit, contribution margin) as the sole indicator of sales success. Most small business owners know you cannot pay the bills with revenue, it is all […]
Sales Compensation Plans-Part II-What Should A Sales Comp Plan Look Like?
Compensation plans for salespeople come in all shapes and sizes, with the general rule that the more complex and difficult the sale, the more you will need to pay salespeople to sell it. That is true across all industries, from hard goods to cloud based software. What is also true is generally plans will have […]